Unwind 30 with Kirsten (Level 1)
30 Minutes, Kirsten Neller, Level 1, UnwindHere we do some basic yet delicious moves using a chair
Kirsten is a heart-led yoga teacher with a passion for presence and play. She began teaching yoga during her pregnancy in 2017 and has been practicing with Carmen since Dec 2014.
Completing many workshops and mentoring programs at Love Life Live Yoga, along side her training with My Heath Yoga. Kirsten has bloomed into her own way & style of teaching.
Her classes are intuitively guided in the moment and incorporate her loving, tender and playful nature with deep body awareness and curiosity to what is possible physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually when we step on our mat together.
She believes life is best led the same way we lead our yoga poses – looking forward and leading with our heart.